For professional resources for BCBAs and RBTs, check out Behavioral CUSP Academy


  • The Stages of Parenting: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

    Parenting is a journey that evolves as your child grows. Understanding the different phases and what to teach at each stage can help you navigate this journey more effectively. Here’s a comprehensive guide on the stages of parenting, from teaching to becoming friends and advisors.
  • Tips and Tricks for Summer

    Hey there, fellow summer enthusiasts! With the school year waving goodbye and summer break waving hello, it's tempting to toss routines out the window and embrace the carefree spirit. But hold on just a minute! While routines might not sound like the most thrilling thing, they can actually save the day when it comes to keeping maladaptive behaviors at bay. Plus, they make the transition back to school smoother than a water slide ride! So, let's dive into some fabulous tips for maintaining a summer routine while still relishing that well-deserved break.
  • Preparing Kids for Daylight Saving Time

    Our bodies become accustomed to routine. Shifting bedtime or wake up time by a full hour all at once doesn't usually work well for anyone. Instead, the experts at Parent Like a Professional recommend building up to the change day by day, so that your kid will feel very little disruption to the normal routine...
  • Creating Successful New Year's Resolutions

    The New Year is a wonderful time to celebrate with our children the closure of a successful year and the beginning of something new. Parents should incorporate their children into goal setting for the upcoming year and start the practice young. Begin with setting easy, achievable goals with (not for) your children...
  • World Kindness Day

    Kindness matters. Like most important skills and behaviors we want our kids to embody, we have to show them — multiple times, over a period of time, with a variety of examples. Practicing this skill at home with family members is a great way to start.
  • 2021 Holiday Gift Guide from Parent Like a Professional

    2021 Holiday Gift Guide by Parent Like a Professional is a thoughtfully selected list of toys that will help kids to grow and develop, not just entertain them. Get everything you need to parent like a professional... even on the holidays!
  • The Importance of Body Positivity

    Emerging trends regarding body positivity are so very encouraging! These societal shifts are going to tell our children different stories than the ones that we grew up with.  However, that’s only one part of the equation; the other part is how we adults use language to describe our bodies…

  • How Can I Get My Kid to Stop Interrupting?

    We talk a lot about how the child rearing years set the stage for the adults that our children will eventually become – and this seemingly small issue of interrupting is no different. Small problems at a young age can become much bigger problems as our kids get older and move into adulthood
  • How to Promote Physical Activity with Our Children

    We know that too much screen time and social media can be detrimental to our children’s development and mental health, but childhood obesity is an American epidemic that we must actively fight against as well. Our job as parents is to help our kids by imposing boundaries that they cannot yet create for themselves
  • For Best Results: Prioritize Your Relationship with Your Co-Parent

    When it comes to addressing a behavioral issue with your child, both parents (if there are two) must be on the same page and hold the same expectations if there is going to be any significant change. If one parent doesn’t agree with the plan, then the effort will be ineffective and there will be no improvements in behavior…

  • How to Decrease Undesirable Behavior by Ignoring

    One of the most common questions we get from parents is, “How do I get my kid to stop [insert undesirable behavior here]?” The answer is: Extinction. Our children frequently try to access our attention through their misbehavior, and so the process of extinction involves NOT providing attention when the behavior occurs…

  • How to Promote your Child’s Success While Avoiding Burnout

    Many parents believe that in order for their child to eventually become a successful adult, their child should be involved in EVERYTHING: sports, music, dance, student council, tutoring, etc. The truth is, everyone (children, adults, and anyone in between) needs downtime. Parents play an important role in creating opportunities and setting a balance…